21 Day Challenge – Day 2

Pineapple Ice Cream Green Smoothie Day – Yum! (Doesn’t actually contain ice cream)


Today the drink did taste a lot like ice cream. The recipe had many interesting ingredients, nuts, dates,coconut, kale, pineapple and a little vanilla protein powder. I drank the smoothie around 7:30. I was very hungry at 10:00, but managed to distract myself with work.

At noon, I had a beet, spinach, carrot and apple smoothie. This kept me full until 5:00. I am not on a cleanse or something extreme, but when I tried to find something for lunch I realized I had purchased too many fruits and veggies.

I am full of energy again tonight. So far my goal to have more energy seems to be working. If I lose any weight during these 21 days, it will be a side benefit. I have 15 extra pounds to lose to get back to my healthy BMI. After day one I was up two pounds. I credit that to adding too much soy salt to my veggie/meat stir fry at the local Mongolian Grill.

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