Tag Archives: @BlenderBabes

Raw Diet – Day 6

imageI’m over half way through.  Today was rough, I was ready to throw in the towel until my dessert/dinner.

Breakfast was very tasty. I really enjoyed the green apple in my smoothie for it’s sweet tart flavor.  I was quite hungry by 9:30 and dove into my almond mid-morning snack. Time flew by and before I knew it I was hungry for lunch and it was 12:30.  Unfortunately, I cut into my avocado at lunch time and found strange brown, stringy, rotten looking things staring back at me.  This didn’t leave me with much to eat for lunch.

I wasn’t hungry at 3:00 but knew it was only a matter of time. I went to the local QFC and couldn’t find anything raw nuts.  They were all roasted.  I ended up buying some natural chunky peanut butter. It was delicious with a banana, but was not raw….hopefully close enough.

When I arrived home, I nibbled on the nacho kale chips from yesterday while I made a dessert for dinner and for the rest of the family.  It was a Fruit Tart recipe from Blender Babes that I recently saw on Facebook. I did not take a picture because mine looked nothing like theirs.  I really liked the taste and so did my husband.  It disappeared before I had a chance to ask if he liked it!  My two boys have different tastes; one loved the fruit and one loved the crust.

Today’s Menu

Breakfast – 169 calories

  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 small tangerine
  • 1/2 cup spinach
  • 1/2 medium banana
  • 1/2 green apple
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1/2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup ice

Morning Snack – 119 calories

  • 1/4 cup almondsimage

Lunch – 32 calories

  • 2 cups 50/50 spring mix
  • Pico de Gallo from Day 4

Afternoon Snack – 295 calories

  • 1 medium banana
  • 2 tbsp natural crunchy peanut butterimage

Dinner – 335 calories

Evening Snack – 66 calories

  • Brad’s Organic Kale Chips, Nacho

Raw Diet – Day 3

imageI went to bed with a headache again. I did not have chills through the night, so that was good.  I also didn’t wake up starving.  I am down 3.2 pounds from my starting weight.  This leaves me only 13.6 pounds from my goal weight.

For breakfast, I used parsley after reading about rotating my greens to avoid alkaloid build up.  The parsley added a sharp and spicy flavor to my smoothie.  It was different and took some getting used to. I felt very energetic throughout the morning.

I made a very delicious salad for lunch.  I enjoy fruit in my salad, these will be my favorite meals during this challenge.  I was very pleasantly surprised by the taste of my dressing. It was made with the juice of one lemon and one mandarin orange.  I was also happy that I used my very first, home-grown leek!  It was a small leek and really gave some zip to my salad…and my breath.  My afternoon snack of raw almonds knocked out the leek breath.

I really experimented for my dinner. I had cold carrot and ginger soup.  The soup was made with our juicer and the Vitamix. The first bite was good. My 6 year old son also thought the first bite was delicious. After half of the bowl, I was done with the texture. There was some substance to the soup, but nothing to chew. It also wasn’t good to slurp up like hot tomato soup.  I did have to muster up some courage to finish my bowl.

Today’s Menu

Breakfast – 172 calories

  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 small mandarins
  • 1/2 medium banana
  • 1 cup parsley
  • 1/2 cup raspberries, frozen
  • 1 cup ice

Lunch – 230 calories

  • 2 cups mixed baby lettuce and spinach
  • 2 small mandarin
  • 1 small leek
  • 1/8 cup raw almonds, coarsely chopped
  • Dressing – Juice from one small lemon and one small mandarin

Afternoon snack – 57 calories

  • 1/8 cup raw almondsimage

Dinner – 534 calories

  • 8 carrots, juiced
  • 1 green apple, juiced
  • 1 small avocado
  • pinch salt
  • cilantro garnish

21 Day Challenge – Day 18

imageCake Batter Green Protein Smoothie was very much like a milkshake.  I didn’t use vegan yogurt…so it was not vegan like the recipe.  Today we had the smoothie for lunch because we just returned from another scouting camping trip.  I am amazed at how easy it is to whip up a delicious smootie for a meal. Not only is it fast but there is a hardly any clean up.  Just a quick whirl of the Vitamix full of hot water with a couple drops of soap and all the dishes are clean!

It has been a while since a recipe called for chia seeds.  I think they really help keep me full.  After lunch,  I headed out for a shopping adventure to Trader Joe’s. Because of the camping trips, I am not on the weekly schedule anymore. My last day of this challenge will be mid-week. I am excited to continue the green smoothies after the 21 days and make up some of my own recipes.

Prior to the challenge, I had used a juicer and had tried kale, spinach, beet, carrot, apple, and pear juices.  The Vitamix gives me the opportunity to use a much larger variety of fruits and vegetables. I also am no longer wasting all the fiber. My chickens loved eating the pulp but it was very expensive to be considered chicken food!

21 Day Challenge – Day 11 to 14

imageVanilla Lime Green Smoothie was like ice cream.  I had it on July 30th before heading off to Cub Scout camp. While this recipe didn’t create a large quantity of smoothie, it was delicious.

July 31-August 2nd I was at Cub Scout camp with my kids.  We attended Camp Edward in Snohomish County, Washington. I was tempted to bring smoothie ingredients with me to camp, but decided I wanted to experience it all with my kids.  Besides, I knew I could get right back on the plan when I returned home.

Unfortunately my fridge was pretty bare when I returned home from camp. I didn’t have enough time to get to the store.  I decided to make random smoothies with my extra ingredients on hand. I had frozen berries, kale, beets, lime and vanilla yogurt. The beet gives a very earthy flavor and berries provided a lot of fiber.  This smoothie was great to push the camp food right out of my system.

imageThe most interesting change I have noticed since purchasing the vitamix is that I feel much less bloated.  My pants feel looser, although the initial pounds lost were all gained back at camp.

I was unable to make it to the grocery store again, so today I also made my own recipe.  I used grapes, kale, vanilla yogurt, frozen mango and pineapple. imageThis smoothie started out brown but turned slightly green as it sat together.  The frozen mango really makes the texture like a milkshake. My oldest son likes to taste my smoothies. Today, his taste was almost half of my glass!

Tonight I did finally make it to the grocery store. I will start with week three tomorrow.  There is no reason to beat myself up for not sticking exactly to the plan.  Nothing in life is simple, we just “do our best” according to the Cub Scout motto!

21 Day Challenge – Day 10

imageCoconut Lime Deliciousness! My husband said this was the best smoothie yet. I used half a can of unsweetened coconut milk and an entire lime in the recipe. The smoothie contained a lot of calories compared to previous recipes. I really did feel like I was drinking a treat, so I would say it was worth the calories.