21 Day Challenge – Day 18

imageCake Batter Green Protein Smoothie was very much like a milkshake.  I didn’t use vegan yogurt…so it was not vegan like the recipe.  Today we had the smoothie for lunch because we just returned from another scouting camping trip.  I am amazed at how easy it is to whip up a delicious smootie for a meal. Not only is it fast but there is a hardly any clean up.  Just a quick whirl of the Vitamix full of hot water with a couple drops of soap and all the dishes are clean!

It has been a while since a recipe called for chia seeds.  I think they really help keep me full.  After lunch,  I headed out for a shopping adventure to Trader Joe’s. Because of the camping trips, I am not on the weekly schedule anymore. My last day of this challenge will be mid-week. I am excited to continue the green smoothies after the 21 days and make up some of my own recipes.

Prior to the challenge, I had used a juicer and had tried kale, spinach, beet, carrot, apple, and pear juices.  The Vitamix gives me the opportunity to use a much larger variety of fruits and vegetables. I also am no longer wasting all the fiber. My chickens loved eating the pulp but it was very expensive to be considered chicken food!

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