21 Day Challenge – Day 4

Today was supposed to be acai berry, strawberry, banana smoothie. imageI couldn’t find any acai berry juice so I replaced it with beets and kale. The smoothie tasted great and looked pretty. I prepared a similar smoothie for lunch because my son wanted one.  I think he is seeing us enjoy them so much that he is more willing to eat them.  He sees me put the kale into the Vitamix, but cannot believe he isn’t able to taste it.  I ran out of energy pretty quickly after lunch.  Two smoothies per day is something I’m not quite ready for yet or perhaps I need to supplement a small snack between them.

My morning weigh in was .8 pounds below my starting weight. I did get something very exciting done today.  I replaced the battery on my Cateye Bike meter.  I love riding my bike. Unfortunately I don’t like riding around town because of the traffic.  I will go on long rides but morning rides before work must happen indoors on a bike trainer.  While my Cateye was out of batteries, I was not motivated to ride.  I need to know how far and how fast I’m riding for motivation.  Replacing the battery took much longer than it could have.  First, I thought I would have to drive my bike into the bike shop and pay someone to replace it because I thought it was broken.  When I realized it was probably just the battery, it still took me time to take it apart and figure out what kind of battery it took.  After that, I went to Batteries + Bulbs, but it was closed.  Then I went to Best Buy and they don’t carry that specific battery.  The helper at Best Buy was really nice. She looked it up and told me I could get it at Amazon for $4.  It took some time for me to remember to order it, but when I did, it was actually 5 batteries for $4.  It also came with free shipping!  After a few days, the batteries finally arrived in the mail today. Tomorrow morning I plan to ride my bike on the trainer.

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