Raw Diet – Day 1

I’ve been having so much fun making green smoothies.  I have decided to try to eat nothing but raw foods for ten days.  I didn’t lose any weight on the 21 day green smoothie challenge. While it wasn’t my goal to lose weight, it would have been nice. There were a few pounds lost initially but they were regained quickly. I believe this is because I was eating most lunches and dinners made up of carbs and fats…paired with wine of course. Shifting to an all raw food diet will eliminate the bad foods. I feel motivated and energized after completing the 21 day challenge that this ten day personal challenge sounds difficult but not impossible. The hardest part will be eating different foods than my family.

Today’s menu is below. I also drank lots of water today, which resulted in may trips to the restroom.

I started the day with a regular green smoothie but without my normal 1-2 cups of coffee. I had a headache at ten a.m but I was not hungry.

My family was heading to a BBQ for lunch, so I whipped up a light and refreshing mint-limeade.  This was very refreshing and was a conversation piece at the BBQ.  I found some sliced cucumbers and watermelon to snack on during the BBQ and it didn’t feel weird that I was not enjoying the chicken and other BBQ side dishes. However, I was very hungry  by dinner time.

For dinner, the family wanted to go out for Sushi. To my kids, this means deep fried gyoza, chicken and miso soup.  My husband and I do like all the varieties from California Rolls, Dragon Rolls, to plain sashimi (slices of raw fish with nothing else). I don’t know if Sashimi is considered “raw diet” food, but until I research it further I am considering it raw.  I used lemon juice instead of soy sauce and it tasted great.  I felt that I was able to find enough food on the restaurant menu to to enjoy my meal right along with the family.

Breakfast Green Smoothie – 348 calories

Lunch – 176 calories

  • 1 small lime
  • 10 mint leaves
  • 1/4 honeydew melon
  • 2 cups kale

Afternoon Snack – 60 calories

  • 1 slice watermelon
  • 1/2 cup cucumber slices

Dinner – 214 calories

  • 6 pieces of mixed sashimi
  • 3 lemon wedges
  • 1 tbsp grated fresh ginger
  • 1 cup mixed melon fruit salad

After Dinner Snack – 82 calories

  • 1 cup blueberries

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